'It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong' - Voltaire

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Winning Votes The Left Way

In a bid to destroy the image of being a Muslim, as portrayed in a recent New Yorker cartoon, US Presidential candidate Barack Obama is pictured below on his current trip to Israel. Next month's New Yorker cover is expected to contain a caricature of Obama in Jewish clothes in a bid to win back vital votes that this month's New Yorker cartoon lost him. A recent poll revealed that 10% of the electorate believe Barack Obama to be Muslim, while some believe he was educated in a Madrassa (Islamic religious school). Mr Obama said the ties between Israel and the United States were unbreakable.


Unknown said...

That poll is crazy! I can't believe what propaganda has achieved. To think that so many people actually think Obama is a Muslim. It is bad though that you have to convince people that you are not from a certain religion to get voted. I guess it shows some kind of latent discrimination. Candidates should be judged on the merits of their proposed policies but I guess I'm living in a dream world hoping that is the case!

Anonymous said...

Americans voted Bush in... twice.... is anyone suprised that theyre still behaving like idiots?

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